Showing posts with label pornstars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pornstars. Show all posts

Sex drive: Zurich launches drive-in prostitution plan

A series of wooden sheds have been constructed in Zurich, Switzerland as part of an initiative to regulate prostitution.
They look like garages or shelters but are being called by the locals ‘drive-in sex boxes’.
The idea is that men wanting to pay for sex can drive into one of the sheds having picked up a prostitute from an approved area.
Project director Michael Herzig said the boxes should improve security for sex workers.
“We’ve had a problem here which has been getting worse over the last few years, especially regarding Roma women, some of whom were being forced into prostitution. This was a degrading situation which we really had to stop.”
It is hoped the sex boxes will persuade prostitutes to sell their services away from residential areas, in a safe environment – the sheds are all equipped with alarms.
“This solution has several advantages: the support service for the women is better because we are directly here on site. The infrastructure is better. The women can come to us and use the shower and the toilets. We can talk to them without other people listening and the area is closed and observable,” said Ursula Kocher, of the Flora Dora centre for women:
The million euro project was approved by voters in Zurich last year in a referendum. The site is only open to drivers of cars and will operate from early evening until 5am each day.

Prosecutors: Florida teen in same-sex case contacted girl, so plea offer pulled

(CNN) -- Some 20,000 text messages, 25 photographs including nudes, and alleged secret meetings have prompted prosecutors to rescind a plea offer and request that bond be revoked for Florida teen Kaitlyn Hunt, charged with felonies in a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl, according to court papers.
Hunt, who turned 19 last Wednesday, was charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery after the parents of a then-14-old schoolmate went to authorities in Indian River County saying Hunt had a sexual relationship with their daughter.
After the case gained nationwide publicity, Hunt was offered a plea deal in which she would not face jail time, nor would she have to wear an ankle bracelet or have to register as a sex offender.
But Florida Assistant State Attorney Christopher Taylor told CNN Monday that since learning about Hunt's alleged contact with the victim in this case, the state has taken the deal off the table.
Texts, photos and meetings would violate a no-contact court order issued in February as a condition of Hunt's being out of jail while awaiting trial.
Prosecutors now say in court papers that also in February, Hunt gave the girl an iPod. The device was used to receive and send about 20,000 text messages between the two, according to the court papers.
Hunt also is accused of sending photographs and videos to the girl, with the court papers saying "These photographs are explicit and depict the defendant nude ..."
Prosecutors included examples of texts they say Hunt sent to the girl, including: "(N)o matter what if they find out we talked I'm going to jail until trial starts."
The texts are proof that Hunt was "consciously and intentionally violating the court's order," prosecutors said in the papers.
Prosecutors also say that the younger girl told a detective that Hunt would drive her to "a remote location where they would have intimate physical contact." The court papers claim that the most recent meeting took place two weeks ago.
The Hunt family refused to comment and their attorney has not responded to CNN's request for an interview.
The case gained national attention when Hunt's family went public on Facebook after she was charged, detailing their daughter's case and essentially accusing the victim's family of going after their daughter because she is gay.
The victim's family said that isn't true and that they were only trying to protect their teenage daughter.
A judge will decide Tuesday whether Hunt's bond should be revoked and if that happens, she could be jailed.

Same-Sex Spouses Cheer DOMA's Demise

Tommy Starling and Jeff Littlefield, who were legally married in California in 2008 just before the passage of Proposition 8, burst into tears when they heard the dual Supreme Court rulings this morning that many are hailing as a victory for same-sex couples.
"Today's ruling means the federal government will no longer be allowed to treat some American families differently," Starling told "Now all same-sex couples who are married or who have the freedom to marry will be able to provide their children the necessary legal and economic protections they need in life."