Showing posts with label Fingering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fingering. Show all posts

Anna Kendrick recommends drinking on a first date 'if sex is off the table

Actress Anna Kendrick stars in the upcoming comedy "Drinking Buddies," so GQ asked her some questions about drinking in its current issue.
Makes sense.
On what potential drinking side effect not to bring up on a first date...
Two subjects to never bring up on a first date are anything to do with the actual reality of your family, and, you know, liver cancer and how we’ve probably all got it.
On whether or not a guy should pay for the drinks on the first date...
Paying on a first date is a tricky thing because even though it’s meaningless, if a guy doesn’t, or doesn’t offer, it suggests poor judgment more than anything else.
On the potential benefits of drinking...
If sex is off the table, and you’re like “Let’s try to get to know each other,” I would recommend drinking. Highly.
And, on an unrelated note, on being asked for autographs whilst underwear shopping...
There’s something deeply embarrassing about being approached when you’re holding knickers. And it’s happened TWICE!

Queens teacher who had sex with 14-year-old student gets 6 months jail

A former Queens teacher was sentenced to six months in jail on Monday for sleeping with a 14-year-old student.
Daniel Reilly, 36, was also sentenced to ten years of probation, and has to register as a sex offender for being sexually active with the girl, who was one of his English students at IS 237.

Sex drive: Zurich launches drive-in prostitution plan

A series of wooden sheds have been constructed in Zurich, Switzerland as part of an initiative to regulate prostitution.
They look like garages or shelters but are being called by the locals ‘drive-in sex boxes’.
The idea is that men wanting to pay for sex can drive into one of the sheds having picked up a prostitute from an approved area.
Project director Michael Herzig said the boxes should improve security for sex workers.
“We’ve had a problem here which has been getting worse over the last few years, especially regarding Roma women, some of whom were being forced into prostitution. This was a degrading situation which we really had to stop.”
It is hoped the sex boxes will persuade prostitutes to sell their services away from residential areas, in a safe environment – the sheds are all equipped with alarms.
“This solution has several advantages: the support service for the women is better because we are directly here on site. The infrastructure is better. The women can come to us and use the shower and the toilets. We can talk to them without other people listening and the area is closed and observable,” said Ursula Kocher, of the Flora Dora centre for women:
The million euro project was approved by voters in Zurich last year in a referendum. The site is only open to drivers of cars and will operate from early evening until 5am each day.

No-Frill Thrills: The Rise of Minimalist Sex Apps

In January of last year, Roman Sidorenko and Alexander Kukhtenko had an idea to break their sexual dry spells the way they solved many of their other problems: with an app.
"We wanted an easy way to find sex, basically," says Sidorenko. But the two friends (who describe themselves as "pomosexuals") were too impatient to use the available dating apps on the market, all of which required them to spend hours flirting with potential flings via chat or text message before getting a date and, possibly, sealing the deal. They knew there were horny people around them looking for sex — and nothing more — but had no way of figuring out where, and who, they were.
"We thought it would be cool to use an approach like Uber," Sidorenko says. "Where you basically create the request, and you get a car pretty soon. We thought it would be cool to have something like that to find a sex buddy."

The more sex you have, the more money you make

If it sometimes appears that some people are just lucky — have lots of sex, and a well-paying job, too — you might be on to something, according to a new study from theInstitute for the Study of Labor at the University of Bonn.
Previous research has found that happiness — no surprise — tends to increase with the frequency of sexual activity. There’s been little study of how the libido relates to wages, though. This new data comes exclusively from the Greek population in 2008, so take that for what you will. But assuming the Hellenes are at all reflective of humanity writ large, results suggest that wages and sexual activity rise together.
The researchers controlled for urban and rural residence, various personality traits, gender, education and belief in God (which tends to be negatively correlated with sexual activity). They found that, for Greeks between the ages of 26 and 50, one standard deviation of increase in sexual activity corresponded with a 5.4 percent increase in wages. Married men having no sex receive lower wages by 1.3 percent, and there’s no difference in the wage returns for sex for gay and straight people.
Now, that doesn’t mean that having more sex will automatically make you earn more. The authors write that high levels of sexual activity are likely an indicator of good health, which also tends to correlate with higher earnings.  It’s also possible that causality runs the other way: Earning more makes you more sexually attractive. Either way, a Marginal Revolution commenter summed up the situation well: “It has always been apparent that sex is good: Now we have statistical confirmation! That’s great.”

How will same-sex marriage rulings affect children?

The Supreme Court's decisions Wednesday on same-sex marriage reflect the nation's political divide over the issue. But experts say what these decisions may mean to children — both the kids of gay and lesbian parents and the self-image of LGBT kids — has cultural and legal implications.
"It's definitely a positive thing for children of same-sex couples," says Kathleen Hull, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, who studies same-sex relationships.
"The specific legal ramifications depend on the circumstances — how that child came to be; whether it's the child of a prior heterosexual marriage. In a lot of cases, children will have expanded access to insurance and various other government benefits and protections that will come automatically as a result of having two legal parents."
Social Security benefits are an example, she says. "In states where same-sex marriage is recognized and the federal government didn't, if the non-biological parent in a same-sex couple passed away, the child in the federal government's eyes was not eligible for those benefits and now they are," Hull says.
An estimated 37% of LGBT Americans have had a child, meaning as many as 6 million U.S. children and adults have an LGBT parent, according to findings from a national study released in February by the UCLA School of Law's Williams Institute, which studies gay and lesbian trends. The report "LGBT Parenting in the United States" provides a demographic portrait of LGBT parenting in the United States.
"Most attention has focused on the adults in this debate, but children are also big winners with today's rulings," agrees Adam Pertman, executive director of the Donaldson Adoption Institute in New York. "We know children derive significant benefits when their parents are married. So this is good news indeed for the girls and boys who can now live in families with the same social, economic and personal advantages as their peers who have married, heterosexual mothers and fathers."

24 Sex Secrets to Avoid Tiger Woods-Level Disaster

Are people who marry their first sexual partners more likely to cheat?

Actually, they are less likely to cheat, but they are getting harder to find. According to Edward O. Laumann, author of The Sexual Organization of the City, as time goes by, "the more likely you're not going to have people who did not have multiple sexual experiences before they finally married." Laumann guesses that more sex partners before marriage is related to more and better cheating later on, and that those, how do you say, fidel couples, "tend to be married, somewhat more religious, and... have somewhat less likelihood of infidelity because of the normative beliefs that they have."

13 Sex Secrets Men Don't Know About Women

Women don't like explosions, in art or in life.
Women aren't as funny as men. We're often cleverer, frequently wittier, but to be really funny demands a certain clownishness that our grace just does not allow. It's fine, really it is.
We grow pathetic goatees and look awful in cargo shorts anyway.
Women are aware of about 10 percent of the things men actually think and say about us. Best to keep it under five.
Women love to be taken out to eat. It makes our day.
A clean apartment will get you more tail than you'd think.
Given the chance, women will smell and re-smell the scented-candle display at the store. We really can do this for ages.
Our clothes are complicated, our shoes unforgiving, and our constitutions delicate, so please, valet park.
Every living woman likes wedding crap. Even lesbians.
"Girls night out" is usually some other woman's idea.
Oftentimes, women simply want to lie back and get laid.
One orgasm is usually enough.
Women would rather be with you. We like you. Honestly, we talk about you all the time.
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